Inclusion and SEND at Parkhill Infants' School
At Parkhill Infants’ School our guiding principle is one of inclusion and we aim to provide Quality First Teaching (QFT) for all our pupils.
This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, high quality resources and effective use of additional adult support.
We aim to identify and break down possible barriers to learning so that all our pupils experience success in a nurturing environment. This does not mean treating all pupils equally; it means treating all pupils as individuals and ensuring they have the required provision to achieve the best possible progress.
The image below encapsulates this approach:
Our intent is to provide all children with the best possible outcomes in preparation for life-long learning. We believe parents and carers are central to creating the most effective partnership to realise the best outcomes for our pupils. It is important that children acquire skills, knowledge and confidence that can be applied to all future learning experiences, including social, physical and spiritual development.
Being an infants’ school, it is of paramount importance that we set strong foundations and endeavour to raise aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including those pupils with SEND, by working in close partnership with parents/carers and listening to pupils.
This is further supported and enhanced by our relationships with our governors, and working closely with external support services, e.g. Educational Psychology and S.E.a.T.T.S teachers, which enable us to continue to grow and learn as practitioners, and help us to provide the best endeavours that we can for the vulnerable children in our care.
I hope you find the rest of this section useful. Please feel free to contact me through the school office for further enquiries.
Suhayl Ahmed
Inclusion Lead, SENDCo, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
UNICEF Article 29
Every child has the right to an education.
UNICEF Article 28
Parkhill Infants' School SEN Report
Redbridge Local Offer
The Children and Families Act requires every local council in England to publish a detailed directory of what help there is in their area for children and young people with special educational needs. This is called the ‘Local Offer’. More than simply a directory of services, the Local Offer must be a resource to help children, young people and their families plan their support needs.