Computing at Parkhill Infants' School
Even though the future seems far away, it's actually beginning right now.
- Mattie Stepanek
Technology gives the quietest student a voice.
- Jerry Blumengarten
Aims at Parkhill Infants:
- Pupils are responsible, confident and creative users of technology, who apply computational thinking beyond the Computing curriculum.
- Pupils know how to stay safe whilst using technology and on the internet, minimising risk to themselves and others.
- Pupils understand and follow agreed E-Safety rules, and know who to contact if they have concerns, including the use of report buttons.
- Pupils use search options effectively; understanding the need to evaluate the relevance of content.
- Pupils have repeated practical experience writing computer programs in order to solve problems, including logic & algorithms.
- Pupils ask and answer questions through collection, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
- Pupils understand how digital networks work & the services they provide.
At Parkhill Infants it is our intent to provide our children with a high-quality computing education which equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing skills and computational thinking are a major factor in enabling children to become resilient, creative and critical digital citizens, understanding their role and responsibilities in the digital landscape.
Curriculum Scheme of Work
At Parkhill Infant School, we use Purple Mash to meet several areas of the curriculum. In particular it helps us to deliver parts of the Computing curriculum in a child friendly way and encourages the development of their problem solving abilities. In addition to computing there are many reading, writing and mathematical activities, which often cross different areas of the curriculum. From poems to newspapers, masks and 3D models, animations and textured paintings, as Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime. Each pupil receives an individual login to save and retrieve their work.
We have a dedicated ICT Suite that all our children have weekly access to. Each classroom has a large, modern, interactive Smart Screen that is used to enhance teaching and learning. Child-friendly technology is used throughout the school, such as Bee Bots, simple robots that can be programmed by the children using maths puzzles. Homework for Year 2 is set online via Google Classroom - each child has their own individual login to use at home.
We run an after-school Computer Club for KS1 (Year 1 and 2), so that children can develop their knowledge of coding and technology via fun activities.
We place a high emphasis on Online Safety while working with computers in school and send a monthly newsletter to parents (available online here) to keep them updated with the latest information.
You have the right to collect information from the media – radios, newspapers, television, etc. – from all around the world. You should also be protected from information that could harm you.
- Article 17, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Online Resources for Budding Technophiles