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GSO Test


Our School Behaviour Policy aims to:

  • ensure that there is a positive and co-operative atmosphere which enables all children to learn;
  • encourage good behaviour through a range of rewards;
  • maintain a consistent approach across the school;
  • help children develop respect and responsibility in their relationships with each other and the adults in and around school;
  • help children develop self-discipline and to take responsibility for their actions;
  • deal with any behaviour issues, minor or more serious, as they occur in a caring and sympathetic manner with the intention of achieving an improvement in behaviour.

Behaviour Policy 


From time to time we are made aware of incidents where children are unkind to each other and sometimes this extends to bullying. Our school always takes any accusations of bullying very seriously.

We tell children that they should always report bullying to adults in school as well as telling their parents or carers. We are then able to investigate and take any necessary action.

Anti-Bullying Policy 

Supporting a bullied child

It goes without saying that parents want to protect their children from harm, and see them develop into healthy, happy adults.  It is therefore extremely difficult to witness the affect that bullying can have on a child.

The most important thing to remember is that with firm, immediate action, young people will move past bullying and overcome the emotional scars it leaves behind.

While individual experiences will influence the way your child is affected, in general, there are some universal steps all parents should take to support their child through bullying.

Have an open conversation

If you suspect that your child is being bullied, or they have already told you of an incident, the first thing to do is have an open conversation.

Try and follow these guidelines: 

  • Speak in private:
    Find a quiet time when you won't be disturbed to discuss the different types of bullying. Ask if they have ever experienced or witnessed any of the examples and encourage them to give specific details.
  • Be patient, calm and understanding:
    Do not make assumptions or interrupt. Put your feelings aside and really listen to what your child is telling you.
  • Reassure them:
    Make it clear that the bullying is not their fault and praise them for being brave enough to confide in you. Assure them that now you know what is happening, the issues can be resolved.  
  • Give support and trust:
    Let your child know that you will need to talk to the school, but promise not to take action without discussing it with them first. Openly explore the options together, and come to an agreed course of action.

The Kidscape website has good resources and advice for parents and carers.

Kidscape Website 


My child is bullying

Although it can be hard to accept, all parents must come to terms with the following: 

  • As children grow up, you stop knowing everything about them. They start to develop a private life, and keep their own secrets;

  • Children rarely behave exactly the same among family as they do at school or with friends;

  • Children can deliberately mislead. They are receptive to their parents' behaviour, and can intelligently use this to their advantage.

There will of course be cases when a child is unjustly accused, but an in-depth investigation with the school will always bring this to light.