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GSO Test

In Year Admissions

All applications for admission to the school in Year 1 and Year 2, and Reception must be made via Redbridge Council.

In Year Admissions 

Once you have applied for a place, you will be put on a waiting list, administered by the London Borough of Redbridge, If a space is available a place will be allocated and you will be informed of this by email from Redbridge.  

The email notification gives 5 days for you to accept the place.  We do not defer places unless special arrangements have been made and Redbridge Admissions department have agreed to this.  Once you have received an email offering you a place at Parkhill Infants' School, please contact the school office on 020 8550 1730 to arrange a school visit.

If you wish to accept the place please advise a member of the office team and you will be given a copy of our information and application pack, which will need to be completed and returned to the office.  We will also need to have sight of the following documentation:

  • Child's full birth certificate (the long version that shows Parents' names)
  • Your current Council Tax bill or Rent Agreement
  • 2 proofs of address such as utility bills, government letters, bank statements etc. (driving licences and passports are not acceptable as proof)

 *Please note that the school cannot offer places directly and has no control over the waiting list or allocations.*  

For all queries please contact the Redbridge Admissions Team at Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex.  

Tel No. 020 8708 3121