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Admissions to Reception

Admissions to Parkhill Infants' School Reception in September 2025

(For Nursery Admissions (from age 3) click here)

Applications to the school must be made online via Redbridge Council.

For admissions to Reception for the academic year 2025/26:

Reception Admissions September 2025

The deadline for applications is 15 January 2025.  It is still possible to make a late application after this date, but be aware that you may not get the school of your choice. 

Please enjoy our video slideshow for prospective Reception parents:


In-Year Applications for Reception places

If your child did not start Reception at the beginning of  September and you would like to apply for a place now, please see the following link: 

Admissions During The School Year 


For all admission queries please contact:

Schools Admissions Office, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford,  Essex   

Tel: 020 8708 3121                                                                                                                                                                                  

Please note that the school cannot deal directly with parents regarding school places from Reception to Year 2;  you must go via Redbridge Council using the links above and receive an offer of a place before contacting us.